
1886 › ANTARES

The beginning of the path.

At the end of the nineteeth century, in 1886, the first "ANTARES" company would be formed in Lugano, Switzerland, with a specific aim of: Developing the publisher activity in Switzerland, taking over severals publishers and newspapers, and thus becoming the first publisher group in Switzerland of this time. From the first world war, the initial group began to expand in Europe, particularly in France and England and reaching a considerable development in Russia.



The Group expanded in the various areas of the economy, participating in the mining and the first chains of production in Europe. With the Bolshevik revolution the Group had to retract to other country­ses and­ so he decided to expand into America. In 1932, the Group began to participate in the research and development of petrochemical products. Since that date the initial Group is almost non-existent, has morphed into what we know today as "consortium", with virtually the same initial organizational structure. It is at the end of the second world war when the group extends to the Middle East and Asia, while consolidating its position in the country­ses in which it had been set up and extended until that time. At the end of the eighties began to occur considerable changes in the economic situation and political practice of the Group that involves the structuring of an organizational situation currently in use.


A change

In the first years of 2000, the idea of change in the electronical sustainable development was introduced, so­ as also the innovation of several elements of new technology­ and the idea of the renewal of industry in the future. These ideas presented in the directory of the "Corporation" by its more progressive members, collided with those who had thought that if it had­ worked well for a hundred years. Why to change? And after many agreements, it is accepted the idea of giving freedom of action to companies "Corporation" that chose to participate in these new technological tendencies and energetic.



In this way and taking advantage of the synergy and developments on the electrical and technological level that the "Corporation" has accumulated through many years, is updated and trained for the start of new projects, and so the first electric development company was decided to be created in 2004, so­ as also other industrial developments for new technologies, it is designed one of the vice-presidents of the "Corporation" to monitor the development of this project, and following this working line once the projects were designed and the necessary patents and authorizations to carry out these developments were obtained, it is created the first of these companies, called "Energías Ecológicas GAIA S.A.”.


A wider world

In a parallel manner is taken the decision to start with the first political­polygons for new energies, and it is requered the necessary authorizations and concessions from the EU, and the necessary funding, the projects being considered such as I+D and they are given the approval that they are of general interest with the condition to be developed in the 27 country­ses of the European Union and with the establishment of a number of areas that can ensure the provision of electrical energy­ in the immediate future,
and considering this project as preferential and with a level 4 of confidentiality, in others words,very confidential.

From this point onwards, from the month of July 2007, we allow our companies to make the necessary provisions for the execution of the areas as capital increases.


GAIA New Technologies.

At the end of 2011 an ambitious five-year plan of international expansion was approved , that will provide us with stable structure in the 5 continents in the up coming 5 years. At the same time, departments stable of I+D+I, engine, future and guide of our philosophy to business will be being developing in these delegations.